I’ve gotten calls from people that want MMA. They ask do you teach MMA? Do you teach BJJ? Do you teach cage fighting? I think sometimes people are looking for an excuse not to train. MMA means Mixed Martial Arts. Martial Arts are Karate and Jiu Jitsu. Until recently no one would’ve included wrestling and [...]

Winter Even Changes Your Self Defense Methods

Here in Connellsville, the sidewalks are snow covered today and when you try to walk it’s a challenge. Imagine if you had to defend yourself. That awesome spin kick that you’ve developed while you’ve ignored most of the basic techniques, may get you hurt before you even land a blow in this type of weather. [...]

Black Friday Shopping

Why on earth do they call this day Black Friday? Maybe the feeling you have after all of the impulse buying that you do and you feel that empty feeling that accompanies an empty wallet???. Whatever. I think about the pictures of all the crowds rushing the doors of Walmart, K Mart, Target and all [...]

Why not 110%

New Years I made a resolution to be able to do 100 push-ups. I’ve never been able to do that many. One time about 25 years ago I did 97. Never 100. Well I set the goal I made a tracking form. I had a plan and on May 15th when I was sure I [...]

Don’t let your stance dictate your next move!

Last night as I was teaching class I had students doing a kick out of a stance that you would not normally do it out of.

I made the statement don’t let your stance dictate your next move. Hmmm? If you want to be good at karate, you can’t limit yourself to doing what most [...]

Another Decade Older!

Today I’m officially an old man. Not inside though. People say that you should act your age. Naw, I say shut up! I still play softball, just competed and took first in a National event recently and just bought a ping pong table this summer. I’m not going to age gracefully. I don’t have arthritis, [...]

Don’t let pride get you!

I’ve played softball for many years and I’ve been a pitcher for most of that time. Talk about standing in the face of agony and glory. You’re right out there in front of guys that are launching rockets at you. Some pitchers take too much credit and others take too little. I consider myself to [...]

My Childhood Bullies

I wasn’t bullied a lot as a child, because I wasn’t small. I always thought that because I was not the biggest but I was always taller than most of my classmates that I was pretty much left alone. However there were moments. My brothers were being bullied and I told someone to tell him [...]


I’m sitting at my desk at Culver Karate Club in beautiful downtown Connellsville PA, thinking about writing something. It’s Good Friday and one of the most beautiful mornings yet this spring. Then a funeral procession goes past. Yes. That makes me thankful. I’ve been blessed with a great life, many friends and a great hobby/job. [...]

Wan’t to be good at Kata – Practice

Practice makes perfect. Anyone who has trained with me for any amount of time knows that is not right. Yep! How can that be Shihan? What I mean is that if you practice incorrectly 1000 times its just wrong a thousand times. So when you want to do well at kata make sure you are [...]