Black Friday Shopping

Why on earth do they call this day Black Friday?  Maybe the feeling you have after all of the impulse buying that you do and you feel that empty feeling that accompanies an empty wallet???.   Whatever.  I think about the pictures of all the crowds rushing the doors of Walmart, K Mart, Target and all of the other stores that promise great savings at the cost of life, limb and great peril.  We must shop.  We must save.  We must be first.  That unquenchable thirst for more.  The retailers operate on the same quest.  They are trying to get every shopping dollar.  What used to department stores are now super stores.  They offer everything you can imagine.  You can buy meat, paint and toilet paper under the same roof while having your oil changed and your eyes checked and then do you banking.  I’ve even read where a few Walmarts have karate schools.  Yep, I bet they’re top notch.  Ha ha.

My thoughts about shopping today are that people are in such a hurry that they become careless.  Both about themselves and others.  Courtesy goes right out the window.  No one would consider helping a little old lady through a door and loose their place in line!  Also no one pays attention to the bad guys.  The greatest day for shoppers has to also the best day for the thieves.  When you have careless shoppers spending oodles of money and not paying attention, it’s like walking  in front of a pack of dogs wearing a meat overcoat.  They will go after you.  Many shoppers will forget to lock their cars today and come back to an empty car.  Many shoppers will come back to an empty car with a broken window.  Many shoppers will be pick pocketed, purse snatched, car jacked, mugged and have their prize find in a store forcibly taken from their hands.  Wow.  Such fun.

Years ago, my mom and dad were in Vegas and had their envelope with their acceptable losing money inside.  Mr’s oblivious had her purse on her side with the envelope sticking out of the top.  I’m sure the pick pocket looked around to check to see if this was a sting.  Too good to be true!  Well, they took out the middle man out of their losing process and helped themselves to the winnings.  My mom and dad lost the exact amount that they planned to.  People are so focused that they miss the obvious.

Several years ago, my wife and I were on a cruise with friends that started and ended in Puerto Rico.  At the end of the cruise we took a tour of San Juan while we were waiting on the return flight. While our group of six were walking around the town I couldn’t help but feel uncomfortable.  I told my wife to shop and relax but I would be scanning.  We all went into an jewelry store which was too pricey for us but they all were looking around at all the shiny objects.  I was scanning as promised.  A teen age boy walked past the door, slowed down and looked in.  He noticed the women bent over the cases and then he walked on, maybe because I was looking straight at him.  He walked on and about 20 seconds later he enters from the other direction and walks in and looks straight at me and we locked eyes.  I’m sure he was testing my seriousness.  He then walked over to a couple that was bent over a case and he move up right beside them.  He did this to several other people including all of the members of our party.  He walked around the store and got right next to each person and peered into the case like he was very interested.  I’m sure he was.  I’m sure I made him uncomfortable because everywhere he went I didn’t follow with my eyes, I actually turned my whole body in his direction and never took my eyes off him.  Finally our party decided to move on.  As the all left, my wife walked out and the teen followed right behind her.  However, I was his shadow and I walked right behind him and when we hit the street he bolted up the street.  I asked my wife if she knew that she was being cased.  She had no idea that the kid was even in the store.  She’s a trained martial artist and she’s very perceptive and she didn’t notice him even though he’d walked up right beside her. One of our party was a former State cop and he never noticed a thing.  If I wasn’t watching like a security guard, no telling what he would’ve tried.  Out of 6 people of our party and as many more shoppers in the store and no one noticed.  I didn’t care about the jewelry so I was on high alert and I may’ve prevented something.

Please be careful out there.  There’s many deals out there but make sure you aren’t the unwanted giver of Christmas cheer.   Pay attention to people that get close to you.  Keep your purse in front of you not pushed around towards your back like an uncomfortable knapsack.  Look straight into peoples eyes and let them know that you see them.  Don’t leave items in plain view in your car.  If you don’t have a trunk then maybe a blanket will help but then again it may let them know something worthwhile is there.  Again don’t let some creep ruin this season for you, be careful.  Be on High Alert.  Keep your Guard up.  If you think someone is creepy they probably are.  Look at people.  If they don’t have any packages and are studying people more than the sales then he might be casing people or he may be loss prevention but you could ask someone if you feel he’s out of place.  Again be very aware and be careful.

Now, Shop till you drop!  Have a great Christmas!

Submitted by Shihan Perry Culver of Culver Karate Club located in Connellsville, PA

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