Be Careful Outside Your Home!

Here’s some things to worry about outside your house.

Do you have bushes where people can hide? I know people love there bushes and trees but they provide a place for criminals to hide.

Do you have ground level windows? They make an easy entrance.

Do you have air conditioners in the windows? They are [...]

Getting to where you want to go

Where do you want to go?

No one leaves for vacation without some kind of plan. Most people plan vacations for months if not years. If Disney is what you want to do then you save money and either study the appropriate websites or consult a vacation planner. When planning life we often do little [...]

Kata, Winning & Self Confidence

Kata ( Karate Routines ), are the bread and butter of Karate. These routines are a textbook of each styles karate movements and techniques. I believe, more importantly kata if properly conceptualized during training is a great confidence builder. If the karateka imagines themselves battling a great opponent or opponents then we should be victorious [...]

What is your definition of fear?

What is your definition of fear?

When you want to do something new, but are afraid, Remember Fear can cripple you. Fear can freeze you in place. Fear will make you stay where you are rather than try that new thing. You won’t try that new thing that you’d love to do because you know [...]

It’s the Dash that Counts!

It’s the dash that counts!!!!!?

When your looking at someones tombstone 19__ – 20__ remember it’s what between the dates that counts. What did you do? What are you going to make your dash worth? Start today!

Remember you can’t coulda, shoulda woulda! Excuses won’t make your dash grow. I always say let’s do something [...]

Get out of your Comfort Zone!

I’ve found that there is no growth in your comfort zone. If you want to grow, expand, improve, become great or even just good, you must get out of that safe place. When a mother eagle realizes it’s time for the eaglet to start flying, she throws it out of the nest. The eaglet probably [...]

Champions are made in the Summer

I don’t see how anyone that want’s to progress or excel can take a vacation from your goal.

I once took a a little while off from karate to do some remodeling on a house that my dad and brother had bought to rent. I worked like a nut to get the work done. My [...]

The Ability to Focus

Focus Behaviors can be taught. If you or your child is to succeed, focus is all important. This skill will help your child’s aim, listening skills and reaction skills. If you want a child’s grades to improve, then better focus equals better grades.

In karate class I point to my eyes with both fingers and [...]


“Never, never, never give up.” ― Winston Churchill No never give up, never give in when you haven’t reached your goal. Don’t let other’s negativity dissuade you, disillusion you or change your mind. When you want something so bad that it consumes you, then it is something you must and can do. Don’t be afraid [...]

Different Tools

Steve the Award Man was telling me about how he made a tool to make trophies faster. He said Master Pritts came to his shop and made 130 trophies in no time because of his new tool that he invented. He managed to created a speedy assembly tool using a drill and a foot pedal. [...]