Getting to where you want to go

Where do you want to go?

No one leaves for vacation without some kind of plan.  Most people plan vacations for months if not years.  If Disney is what you want to do then you save money and either study the appropriate websites or consult a vacation planner.  When planning life we often do little or no planning.  Most people do more planning for a great vacation than for a great life.  If you want to be a karate black belt then figure it out.  Study the schools in the area that offer what you’d like to study.  Don’t know what you want to study then read and search and find the type of martial art and or school that fits what you want to be.  Yes what you want to be.  I say that because karate is not a vacation, it is life changing.  If you put yourself into it, you will learn to be more confident and secure in yourself.  You will be the New and Improved You!

If you want to attain a goal you should use this basic process.

#1 Make a plan!  Have a goal.  (Like a vacation have a destination)

#2 Find people who are experts at what it is you want to do.  (Like a vacation planner or travel agent)

#3 Study and work!  Blood, sweat and tears!  If you study enough then it may require less of each.   (Figure out a method of travel and/or routes)

#4 Re-evaluate that plan frequently and remember why you started!   (Make sure you have the necessary money to do your vacation)

#5 Don’t quit till you achieve your goal.   (Clark Griswold said “Hey getting there is half the fun, You know that!”)

#6 Enjoy and celebrate your achievement and set another goal.  (Enjoy getting to your vacation spot)

There’s a lot of ways to get to most any destination but you can’t get there without taking that first step in the right direction.

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