Selective Hearing

Selective Hearing

We all have something special in us. We have Greatness and Failure in us. We have royalty and poverty in our DNA.

It’s the voices that you hear that you choice to listen to that will make or break you. I have students that could probably recite word for word my lessons and [...]

Practice makes perfect? Wrong

Practice makes perfect.

I’ve heard this a million times over the years and it is so wrong. Practice doesn’t make perfect, practice makes permanent. I’ve had students that have said they practice all the time. However they were practicing bad form or improper moves. They didn’t get better, they just got better at doing it [...]

Think and Win!

I’m sure you’ve heard the expression “Think and Win”!

Hold on a minute just think and I win? I can think it and it will be?

Can’t happen. You must do! Nike says just do it. To win it takes action. Action is the do! However everything starts with the thought or planning stage. Without [...]

-2 + 2 = 0

Every summer I have people that take 1 2 or 3 months off. I know summers great. I spend all summer teaching the serious students who really want to excel. The vacationers will come back and within a week or two the are asking when the next test is. After a few years of doing [...]

Summer vacation is here

Summer vacation is here and some people are taking off for the summer. Not a problem, as long as you realize that 2 months off is like going backwards 4 months. What I mean is you didn’t train for 2 months and that’s 2 months of material, training and improvements that you didn’t receive. Not [...]

Connellsville Crime Watch

As Co Founders of the Connellsville Crime Watch we would like residents of Connellsville to pay serious attention to home defense and security.

We do hope to improve awareness of the citizens of Connellsville and surrounding areas. We teach many self defense classes to all ages but we advocate a much more complete approach. A [...]

Bully Prevention

Bully Prevention starts with us, INSIDE of us! [...]

Golden Nuggets.

A great Martial Artist friend once referred to tidbits of information as golden nuggets. I’ve been training for 33 yrs at this point and have a bucket full of golden nuggets. I’ve taken many courses, seminars and visited many other schools in search of that next nugget. Many times I’ve picked up the next nugget [...]

Aerobic Kickboxing burns more calories than any other workout


Special Karate Offer For Valentines Day