Think and Win!

I’m sure you’ve heard the expression “Think and Win”!

Hold on a minute just think and I win?  I can think it and it will be?

Can’t happen.  You must do!   Nike says just do it.  To win it takes action.  Action is the do!  However everything starts with the thought or planning stage.  Without the thought or the thinking and conceiving, you cannot have the do.  Must be a complete package.  No think – no do!  No do – NO WIN!

To win, one must set their mind in gear.

First:  Conceive your goal.

Second: Make a plan.  Set up a schedule, training regime or plan, and a deadline or goal date.

Third:  Find a mentor, trainer or some way to educate and improve yourself.

Forth:  Start.

Fifth:  Monitor and keep track of your progress.

Sixth:  Readjust or reset your goals at regular intervals if necessary.

Seven:   WIN!

If you can Conceive it and Believe it, you can Achieve it!


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