Are you MacDonalds or Winkys?

Are you MacDonalds or Winkys?

I remember Winkys and MacDonalds when they both started and were small.

Most of you probably will say who’s Winkys?

They were a hamburger chain that sold cheap hamburgers and get this they sold a sandwhich called the Big Wink. Guess what that was 2 burgers special sauce lettuce cheese [...]

It’s up to YOU!!!!

It’s up to you!

Change your life? Guess what? It’s up to you!

Loose weight? Guess what? It’s up to you!

Get in Shape? Guess what? It’s up to you!

Get rid of a bad habit? Guess what? I don’t care how hard it is! It’s up to you!

Everyone makes a New Years Resolution. [...]

I wish I had worked harder!

In retrospect, I’ve done quite a bit. No brag. I’ve achieved 3 black belts. A 2nd 6th and a 7th. I’m the Commissioner of PA in the Tri State Traditional Karate Association. I was the regional assistant director of the USAKF. I’m the Co Chairman and one of the founders of the Warriors United. I’ve [...]

Be atypical!

Be Atypical I told my students today that if they want to be good be typical and practice what everyone normally does and be better at it. If you want to be great do the atypical, or as in the Movie Young Dr. Frankenstein, (Abynormal). Typical is what everyone else does so if you know [...]

Give me 110 percent!

Give me 110%

You always hear that. Is that possible. Yes it is. I found out from running that you can run further on race day than you train. Marathoners run regular runs of 10, 12 or 15 miles to train for a 26 mile race. A marathoner will track their miles and increase the [...]

Can the No Tolerance Policy Destroy the Schools?

Yes. Is there any doubt? Ask any parent who’s child has been bullied. The story is always the same.

School teachers unions are worried about pay and class size. School officials are worried about pleasing the unions and politicians. Teachers are worried about liabilities and their jobs. National politicians are worried about bathrooms.

Everyone is [...]

Weekend Masters

We have a aerobic kickboxing class and have had it for many years. We’ve been certified by a great former kickboxer and trained in many classes and seminars with many good instructors. We are black belt instructors and understand what we are teaching. I’ve done karate for over 3 decades and kickboxed and competed on [...]


When one studies martial arts we often encounter moves that escape explanation. Why?

I got a grasp on one reason while training with a master from another country. His english was poor so he had someone helping explain what he was doing. At one point from what I could gather he was explaining that a [...]

Why do we do it that way?

Why do we do things the way that we do? What was the initial source of those habits and methods? And are they relevant today? And why ask this question in the context of leadership?

A brief story may help to explain this:

A young woman is preparing a pot roast while her friend looks [...]

Thinking makes it possible!

Yes sir, thinking so makes it possible. If you set your mind on it, you can achieve great things. If you don’t believe that then set your mind on achieving nothing and see what happens. Exactly what you asked for. I’ve heard many times, watch what you ask for, you just might get it. Exactly. [...]