
When one studies martial arts we often encounter moves that escape explanation.  Why?

I got a grasp on one reason while training with a master from another country.  His english was poor so he had someone helping explain what he was doing.  At one point from what I could gather he was explaining that a move could cause injury if done in a certain way over a long period.  He kept explaining a pointed to the injury prone area and used the medical definition of the part that was injury prone.  He kept pointing and the translator kept shaking his head that he didn’t understand.  He kept trying to show the right position but the translator was stuck on one word.

I learned his explanation just by watching what he was pointing to and how to do the safe action.  It made me feel good and reinforced it in my training, because he had just pointed to me and my students and said correct.

How about a little Clarity! Don’t get stuck on one word, let’s look at the whole picture and figure it out.

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