Can the No Tolerance Policy Destroy the Schools?

Yes.  Is there any doubt?  Ask any parent who’s child has been bullied.  The story is always the same.

School teachers unions are worried about pay and class size.  School officials are worried about pleasing the unions and politicians.   Teachers are worried about liabilities and their jobs.  National politicians are worried about bathrooms.

Everyone is worried about bullys.   That’s really funny.  All the cameras in the schools and you say we don’t know who started it.  You have a masters or doctorate in education and you think it’s fair to leave the good and the weak amongst us to be bullied and beat down daily and if they fight back you say we don’t tolerate fighting or bullying and fine the good kids too.  You are driving the good kids to online education.  You are solving the Dilemma of class size by your inadequate, unfair and obscene response.

School’s are unguarded and the students are unprotected and yet you teach the students a program to defend the school against a gun or knife wielder.  What if a bully had a knife?  What if it started out as a bully situation and then the bully then pulls a knife?  Will you then allow the student to defend himself or will you fine the good kid in order to protect your No Tolerance Policy.

What are you Doing?   Someone needs to get their heads screwed on straight.  The schools are losing all the good students to online education and the goons are staying.  You are reducing school size but you need to change the classroom to a boxing ring.  I see videos of out of control kids taking pleasure in beating up teachers.  Whenever you see a teacher respond in any way then they are on the hot seat.  The goons are the ones who stay.  Things have to change or it’s going to get worse.  The good kids will continue to leave and you will have an ever increasing problem with teacher attacks.

The No Tolerance / Don’t Touch the Kid Policy is destroying the schools.

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