Thinking makes it possible!

Yes sir, thinking so makes it possible. If you set your mind on it, you can achieve great things. If you don’t believe that then set your mind on achieving nothing and see what happens. Exactly what you asked for. I’ve heard many times, watch what you ask for, you just might get it. Exactly. If you ask for good things then we may achieve. 1st you have to believe you can. Then you have to try, no. Do! Like Jean Picard on Star Trek used to say, Make it So. Not try, Make it So. Yoda said, Try not, There is no try, only do. Yes, two of the most positive motivational statement were made in outerspace. Actually by some writer staying up late drinking a lot of coffee in an attempt to do something great. Where there’s a will there’s a way. You just have to find it! If you don’t look you never will!

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