New Years Resolution

Yep, that time of year again. Time to think about what we’ve accomplished over the last year. Did you keep your resolutions from last year. Do you even remember what they were? Most people are in the habit of making resolutions and then by the end of January they are gone. That becomes the habit [...]

When Should I Practice?

I’ve been an instructor of Shotokan Karate for almost 25 years now and helped to teach many classes from the time I was a purple belt. I’ve helped many people learn techniques and moves and fixed and explained countless things with the encouragement, “Now go home and practice this”! How many times do you think, [...]

A Black Belt is Priceless

What do I mean by that? Just what I’ve said. People are always looking for answers. How can I get in shape? How can I be more confident? How can I make my dog listen? Sorry can’t help with that one. Anyway, People are looking for many answers to problems. My kids getting bullied. Talk [...]

Beginners must master low stance and posture, natural body positions are for the advanced.

Beginners must master low stance and posture, natural body positions are for the advanced. Again, a famous master made this statement and I concur. What does he mean? Is this just a way of putting the beginners through difficult and arduous training just to test their resolve? Not really. When one starts a new activity [...]

I never thought geometry would help in karate class!

Sometimes stuff you learn or don’t learn in school comes back to haunt you. I know when I start talking about angles and planes, I scare myself. Today I want to talk about planes. Not Airplanes. Knuckleheads can sign off now! I’m talking about a level plane. My dad being the mathematician that he is [...]

There’s only so many WOWs!

There’s only so many WOWs! Yes, There’s only so many WOWs in life!

People avoid doing what’s chancy or difficult. Someone once asked me if I thought they should make a major life move. I asked them if this was something that they wanted to do. They said yes, but I don’t know if I’m [...]

When you leave home, think that you have numerous opponents waiting for you.

“When you leave home, think that you have numerous opponents waiting for you. ”

Yep! You guessed it. An old Karate Master once said this! Even more accurately an old Shotokan Master once stated this!

I’ve instructed my students in much the same philosophy, however this is not necessarily an encouragement to be paranoid. No. [...]

Think of your opponents hands and feet as swords

That was the advise of an old Karate Master! This philosophy may confuse many novices in the Martial Arts but to a seasoned practitioner, the meaning is usually quite clear. If during training one places the importance of blocking to the level of someone blocking a sword then it would be a very good block [...]

Hey Let's Be Mediocre!

Hey Let’s Be Mediocre!

Why not say it! If that’s good enough, then that’s what you’ll get. Huh? Yep, good enough is the worst enemy to greatness! Go get the Greatness, wherever it might be. But don’t tell me you want to be great and then stand there and be mediocre. I’m just saying!!

Winners know how to win!

Winners know how to win!

Sounds kind of stupid actually. Not if you look into this statement. I was watching the end of a football game Sunday and the NY Jets who I’ve heard is the team to beat this year was losing to the lowly Detroit Lions. When I turned to this [...]