Winners know how to win!

Winners know how to win!

Sounds kind of stupid actually. Not if you look into this statement. I was watching the end of a football game Sunday and the NY Jets who I’ve heard is the team to beat this year was losing to the lowly Detroit Lions. When I turned to this game the Jets where down 20 – 10 and it was in the second half. I thought, this can’t be. Being a Steeler fan I didn’t much care about the outcome, but I kinda like the Jets. As time was running out the Jets managed to capitalize on mistakes and opportunities and tie the score at the last minute. When it went into overtime, I already knew the outcome. Yes the Jets won!
What place does this have on a karate web site? Well winning is winning and if you can’t figure out the mentality to win then you probably won’t win. Winning teams as in winning players will find a way to win despite back luck, bad calls and injuries. Winners, when behind look and say to themselves, what do we have to do to win? Losers, when they miraculously find themselves with a possible win that they mentally feel they aren’t worthy of, will say to themselves the exact thing I said, this can’t be! They will think, I hope we don’t screw up again or I hope we don’t lose again. When you start to think about the negative outcome of a situation your brain will start to make it happen. I’ve heard many times that your brain can’t think in negatives. What that means is that when you think, I going to win, it sets you on the track to winning. However, if you think, I hope I don’t lose, your brain thinks about losing. I’ve seen it happen many times in coaching karate-kas in karate tournaments. It often comes down to one of my favorite sayings, if you think you can or if you think you can’t, you’re probably right!
Losers, think they will eventually lose. Losers think they will figure out a way to lose. Losers will tell you that they want to win but they can’t envision themselves in the winners seat and they definitely don’t think they deserve it! Losers will be happy with a second place and maybe even relieved because they didn’t have to readjust their thinking about themselves. Winners, will go sit in the corner and cry when they get a second place.
Winners think they can! Winners think they will. Even more important is that, Winners think they deserve it!
To be winner, training is a must, along with training you must mentally train your brain to look for the positive outcome.
When you do lose you must view it as just another step towards winning.
One loss does not make you a loser.
You make you a loser!!!
Think Win!
Written by:
Sensei Perry Culver 6th degree Shotokan Karate, 1st degree Syu Sin Do (pressure points & joint locks)
Chief Instructor of Culver Karate Club in Connellsville, PA 724-626-KICK (5425)

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