Think of your opponents hands and feet as swords

That was the advise of an old Karate Master! This philosophy may confuse many novices in the Martial Arts but to a seasoned practitioner, the meaning is usually quite clear. If during training one places the importance of blocking to the level of someone blocking a sword then it would be a very good block indeed. If you think that each block is a life or death matter then they will truly be effective.

What this master was really advising was that you should take practice seriously to get good. The saying practice makes perfect would apply here. However, practice makes perfect is not completely correct. Perfect practice makes perfect. If you make sure that every block is crucial then each block must be perfect to save your life. Unfortunately, the truth is that at some point any block may actually save your life.

To be good at anything practice must be serious. To be good at anything then you must take each technique seriously and then perfection is within your grasp!

Written by,
Sensei Perry Culver – Sixth Degree Black Belt in Shotokan Karate
Chief Instructor at Culver Karate Club

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