
The Holidays are approaching and another year is coming to an end. Every year we make and discard plans and ideas and dreams. Most everyone makes resolutions every New Years Eve and by February we’ve long forgotten them. So you give up huh? What?

If something is really important to you then make a plan [...]


Visualization is an important asset if you know how to use it. I remember reading one of Chuck Norris’ books and in it he talked about visualization. He stated that he always would sit and visualize what was going to happen in his next match. He would visualize what techniques he would use and try [...]


One must develop focus to do anything worthwhile in life. If a child can not focus he or she will not do well in school or life. Karate is constantly credited with helping with focus. A simple illustration is that most of my black belts have gone on to have a successful life. Several have [...]

Your Attitude Determines Your Altitude!

Your Attitude Determines Your Altitude!


I watch students that when I turn my gaze, they relax their stance. I watch students going half speed. I’ve always believed that I wanted to look better than the students beside me. Either side. I wanted to look better than the students in the front row. I don’t [...]

Back to School

I’ve always wondered why, attendance is poor during the summer. Other than the 1 or 2 week vacation or special outings and the students that play baseball, we should be packed. Summer is the best time to get further ahead. One benefit when you go home from class you can practice in your yard the [...]

Summer Training!

Funny saying. Summer here and summer not. It’s the ones that show up that progress. There are times that I couldn’t train in my history, or should I say I couldn’t go to class. I once took 2 months off to remodel a house that my dad and brother and I bought together. I was [...]

Never give up!

Tonight on CSI one of the actors said that everything we experience is always part of us but we don’t need to let our experiences define us.

Our success or failure is not dependent upon someone else. Loosing does not made you a loser. Only you can make you a loser. You can lose but [...]

Still Crazy After All These Years

Yep, I’m nuts. I just competed in the Maryland State Karate Championships after a several year retirement from competition. I have however retired myself for a while if not longer again though. I pulled a hamstring during the competition. I threw a ftont thrust kick in practice and pulled my hamstting. Imagine the feeling. I [...]

The Man in the Arena

The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred with sweat and dust and blood: who strives valiantly: who errs and comes short again and again: who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause: who if he wins, knows the triumph [...]

What can I do to change the world?

Maybe it’s just a nice word to another!

Watch the video, it’s worth it!
