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I’ve always wondered why, attendance is poor during the summer.  Other than the 1 or 2 week vacation or special outings and the students that play baseball, we should be packed.  Summer is the best time to get further ahead.  One benefit when you go home from class you can practice in your yard the things that we just covered.  During the winter it’s not as likely that you can do this.  Most people don’t.  When you are leaving class you should ask questions (good questions) where and when possible.  Don’t argue with an instructor that something doesn’t work, find out how to make it work.

I wrote an article about training during the summer and now that summers past, the students that trained all summer have made great strides in there skills.  If you take 3 months off don’t expect to be able to stick with the student that trained for those 3 months.  You’ve lost as much as they’ve gained.  Everyone has to train at their own pace, their own rate and when they can.  Not everyone is as serious as the next person.  Hence they shouldn’t expect much when the return.  Three months off compared to one who has trained for the same 3 months is like at least a 6 month difference in training.

We just had 2 such students compete at a tournament after training all summer.  They came home with 4 trophies between them.

To win you must not only think like a winner but you must also train like a winner!

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