Never give up!

Tonight on CSI one of the actors said that everything we experience is always part of us but we don’t need to let our experiences define us.

Our success or failure is not dependent upon someone else.  Loosing does not made you a loser.  Only you can make you a loser.  You can lose but if you get back up and try again are you really a loser.  You can fail but are you a failure, not nescesarily.  A failure gives up.  Edison was told that he was a failure.  The story goes that he was told you’ve tried to make an electric light bulb and you tried 5000 times and have failed.  He replied that I haven’t failed but I’ve eliminated 5000 ways that it can’t be done.  As we know Edison eventually succeeded, otherwise we’d still be reading at night by candle light.

There’s a saying.  Get knocked down 7 times, get up 8 times.  You might lose once bt that doesn’t make you a loser.

In competition you there is only one winner in each division but that doesn’t mean that the others are losers, it just wasn’t their day.  Being from the Pittsburgh area you’d be hard pressed to find anyone that would call the steelers losers.  Even though the Steelers lost the Super Bowl they could hardly be called losers.  It just wasn’t their day.

Churchill inspired a nation when he told the British people during World War II to never give up, never give up, never, never give up.  The good guys won that one.

Decide what it is you want to achieve and do it.  Figure out what you need to get the job done.

Written by: Shihan Perry Culver Chief Karate Instructor at Culver Karate Club in Connellsville, Pa

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