
One must develop focus to do anything worthwhile in life.  If a child can not focus  he or she will not do well in school or life.  Karate is constantly credited with helping with focus. A simple illustration is that most of my black belts have gone on to have a successful life.  Several have gone on to the military and have done very well.  One has gone on to become an NYPD police officer.  She ( yes a female) has been assigned to the most dangerous mile (as it is called by the police themselves) and is doing very well.  Several went into teaching (an excellant reason to take karate) (kidding).   One went on to become the first female electrician in a large factory when all the men said a woman couldn’t do it.  Several went on to college and have done very well.  They all credit karate as part of the reason they have done so well.

A Black Belt has put in the time to accomplish a worthwhile goal.   A Black Belt has learned not to fear.  A Black Belt has learned to try.  A Black Belt has learned not to give up.  A Black Belt has learned that he or she can accomplish much if they just do not give up.

A Black Belt is not invincible.  A Black Belt is not impervious to pain.  A Black Belt often impress people with there ability to stick to something and succeed.

Getting a Black Belt is not a guarantee of success.  The more success a person meets with in their young life though, the more they will believe in themselves.  It’s this belief in themselves that will catapult them to success.

Develop focus and achieve!

Written by: Shihan Perry Culver Chief Karate Instructor at Culver Karate Club in Connellsville, Pa

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