
“Never, never, never give up.”
― Winston Churchill
No never give up, never give in when you haven’t reached your goal. Don’t let other’s negativity dissuade you, disillusion you or change your mind.
When you want something so bad that it consumes you, then it is something you must and can do.
Don’t be afraid to fail. Edison once said I haven’t failed 5000 times, I’ve eliminated 5000 ways that we can’t make a light bulb!  As we all know he succeeded.
Keep going, keep driving and when life looks doors, climb through a window.
When life throws up walls get a sledge hammer.
When life throws up a mountain start tunnelling!
Churchill would not let Great Britain give up in spite of the relentless bombing of the Germans. The rest is history.
If he could hold off such an overwhelming force till the USA could come to his aid and eventually beat back Nazi Germany then what kind of things can we achieve with a little determination.
Stay the course kids, stay the course!
Shihan Culver

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