Champions are made in the Summer

I don’t see how anyone that want’s to progress or excel can take a vacation from your goal.

I once took a a little while off from karate to do some remodeling on a house that my dad and brother had bought to rent.  I worked like a nut to get the work done.  My dad was not feeling the best that summer and my brother was way too busy to care.  Between softball and watching everyone elses games he couldn’t find time to help me.  I would go to work and work late at the house.  I painted outside till late at night using spot lights. I’d work 12 and 16 hrs on my days off.   Why?  So I could get it done and get back to my regular life.   I didn’t take a vacation that summer.  I didn’t play softball, something I love.  I didn’t even watch a Pirate game and even didn’t get to watch the Steelers till late in the season.   I knew I had to get it done.  I knew I was pretty much on my own.  I focused all my energy on that project to get it done.

How did I maintain any kind of training?   I made my work my workout.   I would exercise with heavy materials.   I kept part of the living room clear so that I could do kata.  I still worked out.

I often reflect back to my past summers.  Other summers I would run or bike to class sometimes with a back pack and my gi and sometimes extra weight to increase my workout.

If you want to get good don’t take a vacation from your goals.  Unless your goals are to be mediocre.

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