Different Tools

Steve the Award Man was telling me about how he made a tool to make trophies faster.  He said Master Pritts came to his shop and made 130 trophies in no time because of his new tool that he invented.  He managed to created a speedy assembly tool using a drill and a foot pedal.  American ingenuity at it’s finest.  Because he thought differently and thought outside the box Master Steve is able to speed up his work tremendously.

This reminded me of class when I tell students about adding things to their tool boxes.  We all have a Martial Arts tool box that is full of neat tools.  The problem is everyone has pretty much the same tool box.  Most people do the same things, the same way and in the same order.   I’ve said countless times that if you want to be good, show up for class, listen, train hard practice extra and make sure you practice correctly.  That’s only the formula for  being good, not great!

Lets think on Great!  Did you ever hear about thinking out of the box?  That’s thinking differently.  I just said most people do things the same.  If you do things differently then people don’t recognize it immediately.  That’s why left handers are usually difficult to fight.  Out of 10 people 1 will usually be left handed.  In my experience the lefty that learns and performs as a left hander is usually very successful.  However the left hander that trys to fight like a right hander is usually not near as successful.  A right hander who switches side will often be a problem for right handers but a good left hander can’t really figure them out much better because they are used to fighting right handers too!  So it can help the right hander to switch sides but not the lefty.

I’ve talked about many ways to throw off your opponent but when you are in the ring, you only have 2 or 3 minutes to figure the other guy out.   When you are in a real fight, you may have less time.  So if you do what everyone else does you’ll do what they know, what is expected, and you may lose as a result.  You’ll be quickly figured out and suffer the consequences.

So if you want to be good,  show up for class, listen, train hard practice extra and make sure you practice correctly.

If you want to be great be different, unique and special (not just because you’re mother said you’re special).

Have Tools ( different tools ).

Have a plan ( different plan ).

Do different stuff ( Be erratic / do combinations and technics that others don’t do ).

You don’t need to work harder, work smarter!

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