The Difference Between Good and Great!

Believe it or not the difference between good and great is not much, it’s only a few inches.

It varies between individuals.  In kids the difference between good and great may be 3 inches and the difference between good and great in adults may be 4 to 5 inches.


The difference between good and great is in the space between your ears.  Yes, all these things that I’ve read may help.  Belief may help.  Training above all, will help.

We have greatness in all of us but will it show itself in our lifetime.  I’ve read and seen all kinds of stories of people that were told they can’t and did.  I’ve seen many examples of things that were seemingly impossible and yet they happened.  The mind is a marvelous thing, yet most of us choose to waste it!  We have much inside of us yet to be uncovered.  I marvel at stories of mothers who lift cars off their child or the story of the police officers that lifted a car off a man and later tried to lift it and couldn’t budge it.  I guess you do what you have to do!!!!

What is it you have to do?  Train, train and train some more and then start getting into that space that can create greatness!

Training makes you good, no very good.  Greatness comes from somewhere else.

Written by:

Perry Culver 6th Degree Black Belt Shotokan, 1st Degree Black Belt Syu Sin Do

Culver Karate Club

Connellsville, PA

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