Busy Parents

Someone once said, “If you want something done ask a busy person”.

I watch the parents of my students come in here and say if I’m not back when you let them out please tell them to stay inside cause I have to pick up my daughter/son at dance or soccer or football or baseball.  A busy parent usually has successful kids.  Busy parents make sure they have their kids in everything and usually instill the idea of perseverance in them.  That is, you don’t quit because you didn’t score or cause you didn’t do as well as you thought you would or because the coach yelled at you to run faster.

I have kids that make it through beginners class and get their yellow belt only to quit in the intermediate class because it is harder.  Karate is much like the school system which both are like a mini version of life.  Each challenge brings on another sometimes tougher challenge.  Each grade brings a whole different set of challenges.  To be successful in life you can’t give up because things got tougher you have to think of the others that have done it before you.

Sensei means “one who has gone before”.   Hmmm, I thought it meant teacher.  Let’s think about the word teacher.  They are someone that has done and mastered what they are about to show you.  Great definition of a word.  Now to learn perseverance look at who has gone before you.  As a student or competitor you need to examine the coaches of the thing you want to master and look at others that have gone before.  Then continually say to yourself, if he’s/she’s done it then I know I can!

Busy parents get it done.  They don’t sit in front of a TV, they DVR their favorite shows and then probably end up sleeping through the show they recorded anyway. 

A good parent is like a taxi service. The great parent also instill perseverance in their children by making them finish what they start.

Quiting is so easy.  Persevering is sometimes difficult but so rewarding when you get to the end.  Great parents make their kids learn perserverance.

Written by

Perry Culver 6th degree Shotokan Karate, 1st degree Syu Sin Do

Cheif Instructor of Culver Karate Club

1 comment to Busy Parents

  • Denise H

    ask your lovely wife how hard I was on my son Tuesday night because I refuse to let him be a slacker haha