20/20 Vision

You know, I’ve heard the expression that at a certain age the best compliment is “you don’t look that old”.  Yeah, I’ve gotten that for years.  Even when I was a kid, other than my size which I was usually one of the tallest in my classes.  I guess I always had a baby face and good genetics.  I’m lucky enough to still have my parents so I hope I follow in their footsteps.

One thing that you gain when you get older is 20/20 vision.  Unfortunately it’s mostly 20/20 hind sight.  However you can see things clearly because of your experiences.  In life things usually add up to certain consequences.  Risky behaviors usually add up to bad results.  Drive fast you get tickets, drive too fast all the time and well you know.

One of the things you see with 20/20 clarity is thing you wished you had done.  I’ve had dozens of ex promising students that had quit years ago come back to class or just say to me “I wish I hadn’t quit, I’d be a black belt right now”.  20/20 hind sight!  One thing I’ve alway thought privately that I can’t grow old yet, I’m not done,  there something I have to do yet!  I know age catches up to you but it doesn’t have to completely.  I retired from an awesome job of 37 yrs. and still wonder if I should’ve retired.  I’m busy every day and have developed myself as a result.

A great friend of mine actually changed his mind to 20/20.  He says it’s because it’s the number for clarity, and perfect vision.

In the vision of an old guy, I’ve decided not to go quietly.  I’m going to fight and scratch to hang on to the little bit of youth I have left.  I remember a guy who trained with me as I came up through the colored belts.  I remember someone saying who look at Cal, he’s really tough for a 54 yr old guy.  Now I’m 60 and won’t quit trying.  There’s a saying, “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks”.  We’ll, for the last year I’ve been learn a lot more ground fighting from my good friend and Ju jitsu instructor Shihan Mulnix.  I’m on a quest to do way more push ups than ever before.  I’m learning kata’s that I never knew.  One afternoon I learned 3 katas.  I’ve recently said to someone that I’m on a quest to be in better shape on my next birthday than I was at 30.  Hmmm?

Get up off the couch and do something.  I myself never considered the possibility of retiring to the couch.  I just have more time to do more stuff that I love to do.  Do I have 20/20 hindsight, eeh, I don’t know.  I do know that we should try to look beyond today.  Your vision will improve.

Shihan Culver

Culver Karate Club

Connellsville, PA

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