Nobody Special

I’ve never considered myself anyone special.  I started karate with no real expectations but it was always something that I wanted to do.  I went to tournaments and tried hard and would be happy when I would even receive a piece of paper instead of a trophy and when I started winning regularly I still didn’t feel like I was anyone special.  I’m nearly typical retirement age and I still feel young and move quicker than a lot of   young people.  I still feel like a kid at heart.  I was just telling someone that I still love being a student.  I’ve gotten on a kick lately to learn a lot of knew katas.  I feel like I still have a lot to learn and love learning it.  I’ve gotten to the age that it’s a compliment just to have someone say “you don’t look that old”!  I feel that karate and training and learning has been a blessing to me.  I just applied for insurance and kept saying no to all the health related questions.  The only thing I take is advil and vitamins.  Before I retired, yes I’m retired from one job, in a managers meeting the speaker stated that 85% of the employees were on some kind of long term prescription drug.  I wasn’t then and never have been.  I do feel lucky and special for that.  I have been blessed with good health.  Maybe it’s genetic.

All in all I don’t feel special just because I’ve learn some things because there’s so much more to learn.


Shihan Culver

Culver Karate Club

Connellsville, Ps

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