It All Adds UP!

I’ve heard all kinds of math and equations explaining power, direction of moves, how much a person spins in a jump kick and even Einsteins theory E=m(c)2.  Yeah I’ve heard different versions of Einstein’s theory like E(energy) = m(mass) x [c (speed)x c (speed)].   I’ve learned that breathing out on impact lessens the severity of the blow and it only takes 8 pounds of pressure to break a collar bone and so on and so forth.

My dad was a Math teacher and at 86 he can still add faster than someone with a calculator.  I wasn’t so lucky as to get those genes.

One very important math equation I did learn is time in class = knowledge.   I can see the difference in the people that show up.  I can also see the difference in the people that go home and practice.  The people that take private lessons far surpass anything that the regular students do.  Henceforth the more you practice the better you become.  There’s a saying “practice makes perfect”.  Wrong!  Perfect practice makes perfect!  How do you do that?  You pay close attention to detail in class.  Make sure you only watch the best people when they perform.  Lastly if you want to be awesome train privately to get corrected.

Time in class (training) =  Knowledge (success)!

Now get to work!

Shihan Culver

Culver Karate Club

Connellsville, PA

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