Paradox - I think not!


Life is full of paradoxes. At one point in my teaching I mentioned paradoxes so often that my students started calling them paradoxes. Anyway, try Radar for your protection. How about hi we’re from the government, we’re here to help. You mean the same guys that will put me in jail if I don’t [...]

Basics Basics Basics

Yep, here I go again talking about basics.

I play some golf. Anyone that has ever golfed with me would fall down laughing at me saying that. Is that what you call it, golf? Well I try to golf just enough to remain a terrible danger to our friends the trees.

Enough about my [...]

Start with the End in Mind

How can reach a goal if you don’t know what it is?

When you go on vacation:

You plan where you’re going call the motel, campground or favorite relative to make sure that you have accommodations You plan the route you will travel You plan when you are leaving and how long it [...]

Happy 4th

When celebrating the 4th, don’t forget the Americans that gave us the holiday.

Sometimes you need to fight to be free! Sometimes you need to fight to protect yourself. Sometimes you need to fight to protect your family. Sometimes you need to fight to protect your honor.

Most of all don’t forget how many [...]

Goal Setting - Achievement

Achievement is the end result of all the planning, hard work and toil put into your goal setting. If you choose the right goal you will enjoy the benefits of the achievement.

What do you need to get the desired end results:

Have a Worthy and Achievable goal. Create a Plan with the goal [...]

Goal Setting = Success

Success can not come without Goal Setting!

Most people with a goal will state their intentions and never really know what it means to set a goal. They think they’ve set a goal but they soon find out that they haven’t done some part of what they want or need to achieve that goal. I [...]

Goal Setting + Belief

Goal setting is simple, Huh?

Yep, just make a New Years Resolution and watch the success! Not funny huh? Most everyone made a New Years Resolution this past year and I did it too! Most of mine, I never followed through on but a couple made me a believer.

That’s the key BELIEF! You must [...]

Blah, Blah, Blah

Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah

The information age is upon us. We are constantly in touch with people. I saw 10 year old little girl riding a bike and talking on her cell phone complaining that her parents didn’t let her do anything. What?? Kids and adults who think that they know everything about Martial Arts [...]

3 Most Powerful Words!

What are the 3 Most Powerful Words?

HMMM, Bring me food? NO!

Take me to McDonalds, NO, NO that’s 4 words, but that’s pretty powerful!

Give me presents? NO!

Let’s Go Shopping? NO, NO, NO, Unless you ask my wife.

The 3 most powerful words are, Yes I Can!

Now I’m not using a [...]

Practice makes Perfect

Practice makes perfect, right?

Wrong. Practice makes wrong even more reinforced!

Perfect practice makes perfect! If you practice, practice and practice some more but you don’t practice a move correctly, all you’ve done learned it even more incorrectly. Get correction and find out how to do it right. You can practice it a thousand [...]