It’s the dash that counts

Recently, Sensei Lorrie and I had the misfortune of attending a funeral of a realative. During the Funeral Sermon the Pastor pointed out that on a tombstone that there is a date of birth and a date of departure with only a dash in between. The dash represents all that occurred between those dates. Thats [...]

Schedule Changes

I’ve been contemplating a new schedule for some time. When running a Karate / Martial Arts School there are many considerations that people don’t realize are a problem. Take for instance the amount of subjects that one covers in class. We have to cover the subject of primary importance the most of course, which most [...]

Another Year

Another year, another Awards Banquet. I always feel that the hours of work we put into the banquet is well worth it. I make sure that every student gets an award so that everyone is recognized. Anyone who comes to class and works hard and gives their all deserves to be recognized. I also appreciate [...]

Ju Jitsu in Connellsville

Bob Mulnix of Connellsville is now at Culver Karate Club offering his brand of Ju Jitsu. Shihan Mulnix is the founder of the Mushin-do /Ryu Gosnin Jitsu style of JuJitsu. His realistic teaching methods are a result of years of instruction curtosy of the US Marine Corps. Shihan Mulnix retired from the USMC after attaining [...]


There are many factors that come into play when training your punches or strikes. Mathematically it would look something like this: P = M x V . In this equation P represents power, M represents mass, and V represents velocity. The amount of power in a strike or punch can be increased by increasing either [...]

How do I make a Front Thrust Kick Work?

Ever since one of my first tournaments I’ve had a great respect for a front thrust kick. I had been to several tournaments and took my lumps and worked hard at figuring out how the game worked and was getting pretty confident in my sparring. I was competing and was having a good day. I [...]

New Year

How’s your resolution going? Remember that little thing you said, I’m going to loose weight, I’m going to start running, I’m going to get in shape or I’m going to get my taxes done early this year (that reminds me). Anyway, get going. Don’t just give up. Don’t stop. Restart. Most people just forget their [...]

Always think and devise ways to live the precepts of karate-do every day.

I’ve informed my students that I was getting my ideas for some of my articles from somewhere and asked the students to try to figure out where that might be. Several investigated and came forward with the answer. In many of my articles I’ve actually used the 20 precepts of Gichen Funakoshi as the premise [...]

Do not forget to correctly apply: strength and weakness of power, stretching and contraction of the body, and slowness and speed of techniques

Do not forget to correctly apply: strength and weakness of power, stretching and contraction of the body, and slowness and speed of techniques. Yes, repeating the words of a great master. What is meant here? How can strength and weakness be used in the application of karate. Or stretching and contraction? Even more so how [...]

Practicing a kata exactly is one thing, engaging in a real fight is another!

A great master stated this! To anyone who is not a karate-ka, a kata is a series of karate moves, routine if you will, that one practices to improve their karate techniques. A kata is very helpful in training but is it completely necessary in the learning of karate? Simple answer, NO. Longer answer, kata [...]