Another Year

Another year, another Awards Banquet. I always feel that the hours of work we put into the banquet is well worth it. I make sure that every student gets an award so that everyone is recognized. Anyone who comes to class and works hard and gives their all deserves to be recognized.
I also appreciate the students that show up for the others that received the Students of the Year. I was amazed that a couple of our newest students came and they’ve only been in class for a couple weeks. After the banquet they stayed and danced to the DJ’s music and were laughing and having a great time. I watched them and thought they may change their lives as a result. If you want to become it, first you have to be around it, take in all in, enjoy it and learn it!!! Karate? No, anything you want.
Shihan Mulnix told a story about wanting something more than anything else. Wanting something more than the desire to breath. Then, can you be denied? Sure. Not likely though.
Ya know, we all fall prey to the mediocre bug. It’s good enough! The recepients of the awards last night are above that. They have decided to learn something and become good at it.
I often heard that it’s crowded at the top. Uh Uhh. It’s the bottom that’s crowded with people that gave up. Don’t give up!!!
I look forward each year to the banquet and seeing whos there. Seeing who’s climbed a little harder and faster and higher.
When you come right down to it my awards are for showing up! Yep, when someone asks me how to get a black belt, I tell them to just show up. I could give them an hour long explanation of goal setting and about how to work out and how to listen and get in the right frame of mind and how to be positive and on and on. No, I say just show up. If you do that the rest will fall into place. If you can’t show up then the rest is unnescessary information. Just show up and the rest will come.
If you are in class and listen to the instructions and explanations and work as hard as you can in every class, yes you will become what you desire! I have very few that ever ask a question. I guess they know the answers?
Thank you everyone that came to the 23rd Annual Banquet and I’ll see you next year for a better and even more exciting event.
Thanks for all of you students that just show up!
Shihan Culver

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