Schedule Changes

I’ve been contemplating a new schedule for some time.  When running a Karate / Martial Arts School there are many considerations that people don’t realize are a problem.  Take for instance the amount of subjects that one covers in class.  We have to cover the subject of primary importance the most of course, which most people would agree is self defense.  Then question is how much and from what mode.  By mode, I mean, stand up fighting, fighting from a grab, street type attack, ground and so on.  We can apply it slow fast and full speed.  It can be done low, medium and heavy impact, but almost nothing can be done completely full contact.  Also do we do it live or in the air.  Yes in the air, as in kata or basics training as in punch, kick and blocking training.  Again how much?  Then again all of these can be done in several fashions, stationary, stepping and evasive.  Even when you are practicing evasive there are 8 different angles that I teach to move.  Off of those angles one can do any number of blocks, attacks and counter attacks.

Also in a schedule and in daily planning an instuctor must consider how much time to devote to stretching and exercising.  The karate instructor must think about how much time is devoted to speaking, yes educating young minds on philosophy is great but not if they can’t defend themselves.   You have to consider how much do we teach weapons, take downs, throws and non traditional weapons defenses, (like knives and guns).  It’s tough.  I don’t want to steal from important subjects to teach something that will never happen.  Tournament fighting and application is fun and can enhance a karatekas skills but it can also diminish a persons street responses.  What I mean is that if a karate student focuses solely on tournament fighting and not his street self defense he may have a problem.  On the other hand, used in the right context in his training regimen, tournament competition can improve his speed and reactions like nothing else.  hmmm?  Why do I say that? Because, in competition as in the street, you are up against a stranger that wants to defeat you.  You do not know what his next move will be and you do not know his level of skill until he goes into action.  Fortunately, tournament competition is much safer than street confrontations.  Also in a tournament, most competitors level of expertise is much higher than that of the average person that wants your wallet.

Getting back to scheduling,when I have to think about schedule I have many things to consider.  When you, the student think about schedule, make sure you schedule your practice time without that you will just gain whatever I can force feed you in class.

People, when you think about budget and budget priorities, make your safety a priority.  Budget the money for karate first, then pizza.  I was watching a show on a serial killer who prayed on women.  The reason that he was caught was that he tried to attack a woman who was out jogging and she fought him off and she was able to describe him.  Why was she able to do this?  Her dad was a world champion kickboxer and he taught her how to defend herself.  I threw my arms up and shouted “what part of this doesn’t most people get”.  I said to my wife, ” my phone should be ringing off the hook”.  “I should have PTO, PTG, Womens Crisis Centers and all types of womans groups calling for self defense lessons.  Connellsvillians live in a bubble.  I’ve had people from Connellsville tell me that we are really safe here and I’m glad their neighborhood is safe.  However we live in Fayette County which is one of if not the poorest county in Pennsylvania.  My brother moved to another area of PA and heard it refered to as Fayette-nam.  I’ve heard many police refer to Fayette County as Fayeyette-nam.  With a nickname like that you know that there is something going on.  Crime figures in Fayette County, per person are usually 2nd highest in the state, only surpassed by Philadelphia.  Scarey!  Bully problems are as bad here as anywhere.  Come on, isn’t your child’s safety the issue.  How about your family’s safety.  How about your personal safety.  Get your kids from in front of the xbox and get him or her into class.  I’ve never had a person come back to me years later and tell me that they shouldn’t have trained, but I have hundreds of people tell me that they should’ve never quit.  I currently have a female black belt is an officer in NYPD and is stationed in what they lovingly refer to it as “The Most Dangerous Mile”.  She has thanked me many times for the training she’s received.  I thank her for be such a good student.

When I make a schedule, I worry that I’m doing enough!  How about you?

Written by:  Shihan Perry Culver of Culver Karate Club (6th dan in Shotokan Karate and 1st dan in SyuSinDo)

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