Billy's Bully!

Little Billy went to school one day and a bigger kid with a couple of laugh a longs pushed him down and knocked his books all over the place, ruining his homework and his books which Billy always was very neat about.
On the playground the same kid and his friends surrounded him and started to push him around. The teacher was oblivious to this because she was deep in a conversation with another teacher about the events of the day. She also used this time as a mental time out and needed to reset for the rest of the day. Billy started to get knocked around and pretty soon there was a group of spectators forming around them until the teachers finally noticed and put a stop to it. They scolded the students involved including Billy. Billy tried to tell the teacher about the Bullies but the bullies lied and said they were just fooling even though the teacher knew better, she let it go because it wasn’t worth the trouble.
Walking home that night same treatment, books knocked down, Billy knocked down and this time crying. The bullies laughed and called him a wimp and walked away. Next morning, same treatment and the playground started to be a living hell for Billy, because every time the teacher wasn’t paying attention which was quite often he got knocked down again. When ever Billy would go home he’d get yelled at my his mother for getting his clothes dirty.
One day, his dad noticed that Billy wasn’t himself and had a talk with him. Billy started to cry and told his dad about the bullies and how they continually picked on him without stop. Billy’s dad, was a boxer in the Marines and knew how to punch someones lights out when necessary. Billy’s dad started to work with him on how to punch and trying to build up his confidence. After about a week of daily training, Billy’s dad was impressed with Billy and Billy really felt like he was getting pretty good too!
After working out for hours with his dad, over the weekend Billy’s confidence was zooming. Billy walked to school that morning with a confidence he hadn’t felt for a long time. Billy felt bullet proof. Billy’s tormentor showed up as usual and started to push Billy around and Billy told him to stop. The Bully said yeah, yeah, what are you going to do wimp and reached out to push him again and Billy snapped. Billy threw the solid punch that his dad had taught him to throw without hesitation and hit the Bully square in the nose. The Bully fell straight over backwards and grabbed his nose. Billy was in a rage now and he started yelling come on get up, I have another one for you. The Bully just laid there crying and said no, no more. Please I’ll stop! OK! OK! Billy turned confidently to the bullies friends and said how about you guys who’s next. The bullies two friends just backed up saying no, no, not me! I didn’t do anything! Billy said hey you guys are his friend what’s the matter aren’t you going to help him? The bullies friends turned and ran. Billy picked up his books and walked to school with a pride he’d never had before. Billy walked the halls that day feeling invincible. Finally he can look at himself in the mirror without seeing a wimp! The little girls that used to laugh at him, started to whisper to each other and smile at Billy. Now they would actually stop and say hi to Billy. Word was getting around school about what Billy had done on the way to school.
After lunch word got to the Principle about Billy hitting another kid on the way to school and Billy was summoned to the office. The Principle told Billy about the school policy about fighting and that his parents would likely be fined and he was going to be suspended. Billy tried to tell him about all the times that he was pushed and shoved and bullied but the Principle kept telling him that he shouldn’t have taken action himself. Billy told the Principle about all of his problems that he had on the playground and the principle said why didn’t you tell the teacher. Billy explained that he did but the bully lied about what happened. The Principle continued to recite the school policy and continued to explain to Billy how wrong he was for taken actions into his own hands. Billy started to cry!
The next day, still another meeting. This time Billy’s parents are called in and the Principle advises them that they are going to be fined and that Billy is being suspended for fighting. Billy’s parents asked about the other kid and the principle says that there is no action being taken against him because he hadn’t punched Billy and that there were two witnesses (the Bullies friends), that say the same thing. In addition the Principle states that he thinks Billy should have counseling from a good child psychologist after school to help him with his desire to fight.
Billy now felt Bullied by the people that were supposed to be standing up for him! Billy was destroyed! Billy was back to where he started!
The Bully won!
Is this a real Story? Did it ever happen? Didn’t it?
How can we help the Billys of the World?
Sensei Perry Culver

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