Do not think that you have to win, think rather that you do not have to lose

Do not think that you have to win, think rather that you do not have to lose. Hmmm? A great master said that. Can this philosophy actually work in a tournament? NO!! Can that philosophy actually work on the street. Yes! And this master was way ahead of his time in thinking. Today any responsible instructor of Shotokan Karate, Self Defense, Mixed Martial Arts, Judo, Aikido, Jiu Jitsu or any other form of combative art must express this attitude in their teachings. As an instructor I take it very seriously that I want my students to come out of a confrontation unscathed, but I also want them to minimize the damage to the other person.
Any person who defends themselves in this modern liability conscious world must keep this in mind. Then is it useful to take martial arts? Anyone who’s trained for years as I have will say, absolutely. The problem with today’s world is that everyone is to blame except the perpetrator. So says the lawyer! So henceforth any reasonable thinking martial artist must use the least damaging techniques possible. There is a lot of options but if you go to a punch, kick spar school that provides no street training and non lethal self defense training then they are at a disadvantage in court. The student without this knowledge will still be able to defend himself in most situations but he will have to hurt his attacker. The master who said; “do not think that you have to win, think rather that you do not have to lose”, understood this even though he said it many years ago.
When defending yourself you will always be second guessed and your actions will be reviewed by a jury of your peers. They need to understand that you did only what you had too to stop the assailant. That’s the law!
Be wary, stay out of unsafe situations and don’t look for trouble. When trouble finds you do what is necessary and no more or you might be in trouble.
Do not think that you have to win, think rather that you do not have to lose!!!

Written by:
Sensei Perry Culver 6th degree Shotokan Karate, 1st degree Syu Sin Do (pressure points & joint locks)
Chief Instructor of Culver Karate Club in Connellsville, PA 724-626-KICK (5425)

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