Situational Awareness

I was having a conversation with a martial arts friend and we were discussing things we do when we were in public.
I remembered an incident during a cruise that had my hair standing up on my neck. There was a group of 6 of us that were off on our own while we were waiting for the next stop on our cruise. We were in San Juan, Puerto Rico. We walked down a side street while going into various shops. We made our way into a jewelry shop and the ladies were looking very intently at all of the shiny things. Being in a strange area my scanning mode was activated. I had even warned my wife who is a 1st degree black belt that I would be scanning because I didn’t feel real comfortable and that she should just relax and shop. While we were in the jewelry shop, I checked the people in there and they appeared to be all just ordinary shoppers. I turned my attention towards the door. I kept looking back and forth and never fully taking my attention off of the door. A short time passed and a boy who appeared to be a 14 year old local walked past and peered in without noticing me and locked his stare on my wife and slowed his walk. He walked past the door and the store and moments later came back from the way he came and entered the store this time noticing me and locking eye contact in a defiant manner which I believe was a test to see my resolve. I stared right back and he walked past me and I turned and followed his walk. He walked up beside my wife and stood inches away from her and acted like he was checking out practically the same item she was. I think he was aware of me tracking his movements and he turned and walked up beside two men who were engrossed in some watches in another case. Again he stood just inches away from them and leaned over and acted as if he was looking at the same items. He again walked over to another counter with me physically turning and watching him walk up beside yet another woman and stood inches away from her while scoping out what she was looking at. At this point my group started to walk outside and my wife turned to leave and the boy followed right behind her! Of course I made sure I was only a step or two behind him and I believe he was very aware of my presence. He sped up his walk and walked past all of our group.
After this occurrence I asked my wife, did you notice that you were being cased by that boy? She said what boy. No one else in the group noticed him either.
When you go somewhere you should be aware of the people and thing around you. Look for danger signs! Look for dangerous looking people. Look for escape routes and exits. Sit or position yourself so that you can see the majority of people coming and going.
I was reminded on one occasion that I may have let my guard down when one of my former students who is now a NYPD police officer came to visit. She walked up behind me and sat down in my seating area and had been sitting there for a while when I finally noticed her. She said that’s not like you to let someone sneak up on you! That made me think! When I’m walking into my school I usually look around and even use the window in the front door as a mirror when I’m opening the door.
When you are out and about you should stay aware of your surroundings. If you don’t feel comfortable there’s probably a reason.
Hang in there and stay aware!
Written by:
Sensei Perry Culver 6th degree Shotokan Karate, 1st degree Syu Sin Do (pressure points & joint locks)
Chief Instructor of Culver Karate Club in Connellsville, PA 724-626-KICK (5425)

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