Words from the finest amoung us!

    “I’m not going back to prison!” The words no police officer ever
wants to hear. Because this means you stand between someone and their
freedom, and they will do anything to keep it. These words were spoken
by a man wanted for armed robbery who towered over my partner and
myself as though we were children. He saw us as a small obstacle to
keeping his freedom, and thought nothing of attempting to do us harm
in order to stay out of prison. My partner and I were able to subdue
the man and get him safely into handcuffs that night without injury.
Not because we were bigger or stronger, far from it actually. We both
walked away from that interaction safely because we were properly
trained. My partner and I are both students of various forms of the
martial arts, and my education began at Culver Karate Club.
    When you’re fighting for your life or your freedom, your mind
goes blank and your body turns to instinct as its guide. In the end
the victor is the one who was better trained, has stronger instincts
and simply the heart to keep going. These are all lesson I took with
me into life when I left Connellsville years ago bound for college in
a strange city far away. Now every night I work without fear in a
police precinct known as ‘America’s Most Dangerous Mile’, because I
know my training has proved itself in the past and will continue to do
so in the future. From work to play the martial arts positively
affects every aspect of life. Who know, one day it may even save


“The victims of the violence are black and white, rich and poor, young
and old, famous and unknown. They are, most important of all, human
beings whom other human beings loved and needed. No one – no matter
where he lives or what he does – can be certain who will suffer from
some senseless act of bloodshed. And yet it goes on and on and on in
this country of ours.” – Robert F. Kennedy

This article was written by a former student and Black Belt at Culver Karate Club!

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