Keep what is useful!

Bruce Lee may have been on to something.  He said keep what is useful.  In other words he was discarding a lot of things that was considered traditional and that was frowned on be his elders as being disrespectful.  If we approached sports in this fashion then we’d still be using leather helmets in football and only running the ball and not passing.  When looking at Traditional Karate we must look at it through the eyes of a teacher.  How can I get this person to learn the lesson of the day.  What is the reason for this move.  What is the reason a particular move is taught in a particular fashion.  When you find that answer sometimes there is a great wooshing sound while you make this quantum leap into another dimension.  That is why Bruce Lee was on another plane.  You need to find the golden nuggets in your training but don’t get your feet cemented in the belief that every kata, drill or method is the be all and end all.  Streamline it and make it work.

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