
Thought for the day: I’ve heard 20 or 30 yr olds say things like I like the Traditional methods or I’m old school or I like the old ways. Really???
I love the Tradition of Karate and appreciate the work that has been handed down, but I also love to be inclusive and try various training methods that are more modern. There is a lot of research out there in the fitness and professional sports field that can give us insight into how the body works and how to better condition it. Even though Funikoshi is credited with being a traditionalist and the father of modern karate, a lot of people in his time would’ve considered him a non traditionalist. He changed much to make his karate more appealing and acceptable to the Japanese people.
I don’t want to be traditional for traditions sake. I don’t think one should be traditional because they don’t want to learn anything new. I believe in figuring out what was the reason that someone did the method that they used. Why was a move done this way? It’s important to put things in context. Traditional training methods are often just that. Training methods. Or strengthening methods. If you fought a fight facing a person full front in a side stance punching and retracting the other arm back to your opposing hip, more than likely you won’t last long. It’s called training. Fighting is a different animal.
I also believe in the top non traditionalist, Bruce Lee. He said keep what is useful. Great words. Nuff said.

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