Summers here it's too hot to train - REALLY!

Let’s see it’s too hot to train?  Some people actually use this as a reason to take off the night or the month or the summer.  I’ll see the same kids outside running and playing ball or whatever.  So an air conditioned class room is too hot?  One excuse I love is, he or she wants to spend time with his/her friends.  Golly, lets see, you have all day, everyday during the summer and 1 hr 3 times a week is going to ruin your social life.  OKay?

If you want to succeed at anything physical you need to enjoy the sweat, the work the sore muscles.  Actually if you sweat enough you don’t get sore muscles.  One school that I trained in had a great sign which read “The more you sweat in here the less you bleed out there”.  Not a pretty picture but true.  To become really good at anything you must do the time, the sweat, and the work. 

When I was coming up throgh the ranks, my favorite time to train was summer.  You’d sweat more and only the serious students were in class!  When I was done with class I’d be soaked and my gi weighed at least 5 extra pounds.   Did I forget to mention all the times I either ran to class or rode my bike?  Gotta love it to get it!!!!!

I’m just saying!

Written by Perry Culver 6th dan Shotokan Karate

Culver Karate Club

Connellsville, Pa 15425

Ph: 724-626-5425

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