Just another Spooky Saturday Night! Or What?

My wife and I went with her sister and husband to see the latest Matt Dillon movie, Hereafter tonight. In walks a woman and my wife and her sister talk with her because they both know her. Her husband is in tow and he sits down behind us.
The movie is about near death experiences and people dealing with the death of loved ones. Matt Damon’s character is dealing with a lifetime of seeing these things through his physic ability and the female lead is a woman who has had a near death experience. There are twists and turns and it kinda turns out how you expect and it was very thought provoking.
After the movie, we go to eat and are sitting there talking about the movie. During dinner my wife says that the husband of the woman that they had talked to was the EMT that had revived her when she was hit by a car many years ago. My wife has often talked about having an experience that night and was visibly shaken at times in the movie. When she pointed out who he was, I said isn’t it odd that the man who brought you back to life on that cold asphalt road 33 years ago would go to this very same movie tonight. She and her sister said, OH MY GOD! After a few minutes to contemplate my remarks I added, and isn’t it odd that the same man that saved your life many years ago chose this movie and chose to sit right behind you tonight. I freaked myself out with the thought and they froze in thought about this happening. My wife tells me later, that her parents talked to him that night and he said that she had given him the scare of his life. I wonder what scared him. Seeing someone almost die? Or could it have been her reaction when she came back? What did make him go to that particular movie. Was it that one night many years ago, or was it many nights of bringing people back from somewhere and seeing the reaction to what they had seen? There is a common thread that connects us all and sometimes we just have to look around too. If I start talking about the coincidental ways my path crossed with many of my current places in life. I live a few feet from where I threw the best snowball of my life, a block from my childhood school, a block from where, while I was jogging with my best friend he dropped dead in front of one of my high school friends house while talking to my future neighbor while she was walking my future student in a baby stroller while she was asking him if he was going to run in a race in a few days that ended up being dedicated to him because he dropped dead a few moments later. Many more things, but I know everyone has them. What is it? How are we connected? Makes your head spin!!!
Seeing this movie, causes one to think what is beyond and what is in store for us, but this whole night makes one wonder what is out there. What is it we don’t know. Makes me look up.
Look around and be thankful. It’s a great life while it lasts!
Written by:
Sensei Perry Culver 6th degree Shotokan Karate, 1st degree Syu Sin Do (pressure points & joint locks)
Chief Instructor of Culver Karate Club in Connellsville, PA 724-626-KICK (5425)

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