Accidents arise from negligence

Instructions from a Sensei often include: Be careful because accidents arise from negligence. 

That is instructions that may help anyone.  Who has not told someone, “look out!”  Accidents happen everywhere.  I’m currently a sixth degree black belt and when I don’t pay enough attention, I pay the price.  Just the other day I was tightening the blade on a power saw and my nephew said watch out for that blade.  Next tug on the wrench and guess what happened.  Yep, wrench slipped and a several nice cuts appeared on my finger and my thumb.  Didn’t respect the blade.  Can we say negligence.  That, thank GOD was a minor accident, I do pay a lot more attention to running tools, because they will change your life in a blink of an eye. 

In karate class we have mats on the floor so that we can prevent most accidents.  Most injuries in most schools are results of someone falling at some point during training.  It’s amazing how much our padded floor has prevented.  When we do throws we put down foam mats that will absorb more of the impact.  We train on falling so that even when they are thrown on the mats that they will be able to lessen the landing force and fall in a manner that prevents injury. 

Several years ago (that middle aged talk for more than 10), I fell in the alley beside my dojo.  Sounds bad huh?  Yeah, brick alley. OMG?  Yeah, carrying a TV.  What?  Really!  It was freezing rain and the sidewalk in front of the dojo doesn’t freeze unless it really gets cold.  The alley, being brick was just shiny looking and didn’t appear to be frozen.  I was carrying a 19 color TV, with the part that juts out of the back for the tube against my chest, (old TV).  Well I stepped on the alley and went air born.  I landed holding the TV.  Thank god my first instructor was a stickler on falling and how to let your air out to better absorb a punch or fall.  I let out my air and tucked my chin down which is part of proper falling and I was very conscious when I landed.  Most people I’m sure would’ve let their head flop back and they would’ve been found unconscious with a TV laying on their chest.  Well I laid there, partly embarrassed and wondering what the heck just happened and assessed the damage.  I wiggled and tried to figure out what was hurt, kinda like when the terminator did his systems check.  Anyhow, I eventually got up with both the TV and myself intact.  I don’t even think I had a bruise unless it was on my backside.  Only my pride was hurt.  So what does that prove?  In normal everyday life, pay attention.  When you don’t, sometimes it helps to know how to fall!

I love Karate.  It’s been a passion of mine for 30 years.  That night I had one more reason that I took it.  Karate isn’t just something that makes you a little stronger or be able to perform some neat kicks. 

Karate changes lives! 

Accidents arise from negligence, but they don’t always have to hurt you!

Written by:

Sensei Perry Culver 6th degree Shotokan Karate, 1st degree Syu Sin Do (pressure points &  joint locks)

Chief Instructor of Culver Karate Club in Connellsville, PA  724-626-KICK (5425)

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