The End is Near!

The end is near.

I’m currently reading a book called jump.  Steve Harvey wrote it but it started with his little speech to the audience on an episode of Family Feud.  He states that if you want happiness or success in life you must jump.  Of course he’s assuming that you are going to land somewhere.  He talks about how he failed at a lot but of things but he’s now a TV star because he jumped.

If you want to make a significant change in you life you must jump but first have something to jump to or at least have an idea.  You can’t open a restaurant if you don’t know how to cook.  You can’t teach karate if you don’t know anything about it.   I had to take a jump when I took over my sensei’s karate school.  Wasn’t a huge jump because I already had most of the skills I needed to run the school.  Someone who’s cut hair for years has the major skills to open a shop but they may not succeed because they lack the business skills.  The first jump is to find out what you like or are good at and it helps if they are the same thing, but jump in and learn it and be the best.  If you prepare and have a great skill or idea then you are ready to jump.  If you jump then have faith.  It’s hard to have faith if you haven’t prepared.

New Years in a time when we start thinking about resolutions and new goals.  But the End is Near.   End of the Year that is.  We don’t talk about what we failed to do last year.  There’s jokes about having the same resolutions as last year.  The best feeling is to have a resolution and do it.  I’ve failed at resolutions in the past but I’ve knocked a few out of the park and it was awesome.  If you want to feel awesome and gain a ton of self esteem then set a resolution and nail it, beat it, crush it and surpass what you thought you could.

Yes the END IS NEAR!  End of the year.  Reassess your successes and failures and get ready for your jump.

I’m getting my jumping shoes on!  How about you!

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