Yes I can!

Yes I can.  Three little words that can drive you on.

There are so many people out there that don’t think they can.  Doesn’t matter what it is.  Some people never feel capable of anything.   Some people allow themselves to believe the negative comments of others.  The key word is allow!  If you don’t even put any weight in the negative thoughts that others throw at you then they can’t hurt you.  If you don’t internalize their comments then how can they hurt you.  If you act like a sponge and absorb everything then you will be affected.  If you absorb only the good stuff then you’ll be full of good beliefs.

I’ve gained and lost weight despite being a karate dude, many times over my life.  I like to eat and my wife loves to cook, lol.  Anyway a funny thing happens when you lose weight. I’ve had people make negative comments to me about being too heavy and when you lose weight the same people will tell you, you don’t look good.  It’s them, not you.  Some people are never happy to see anyone have a little success.  Sometimes your own family are the worst offenders.  I’ve had it happen every time that I’ve lost weight.  I had someone tell me that the diet pop I was drinking wasn’t helping when I was heavy and a few months later after working like crazy to lose weight he said you’re too skinny, you don’t look good.  Some people are always negative.  If they inspire you to start a good thing then use it, but if they put you down when you reach your goal then don’t pay any attention to their comments.

If you are to achieve any type of success then you must listen to positive people that encourage you.  If you are to succeed then you must surround yourself with positive people.  If you are to succeed, you must insulate yourself with a bubble of positivity.  If you are to succeed you must say, “Yes I Can”!

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