Start the year with a WOW!

How can we start the year with a WOW?  Everyone makes New Years Resolutions and everyone forget about them soon after they make them.

Do you remember what you promised yourself last year.  Probably pretty easy, loose weight.  Everyone usually makes the same one.  Me too last year and I did loose.  I took part in a biggest losers challenge some friends where doing.  I took second out of 15 people.  I took part in that because when people start telling you how much you can eat you have a motivator, money.  I ended up taking part of the cash prize and that was sweet.

An important part of making a resolution work is to get a motivator, a format within which you do your resolution.  Set a exact goal.  If you want to work out set a goal weight you intend to lift and go join a gym.  If you want to loose weight, join a gym and a workout and maybe a weight watcher type of group.  Don’t just say it and expect that it’s going to just happen.  First it must be important enough for you to get off the couch and ignore those leftover christmas cookies.

Ok, think about what you want and get started.

Remember the command of Captain Luke Piccard of the Star Ship Enterprise, ”Make it So” or Nike’s admonition, “Just do It”!

At the end of 2012, I hope you can say wow, that resolution worked!

Good luck and Happy New Year!



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