Connellsville Crime Watch

A crime watch is something my wife and I have talked about for years. This past weekend we were shocked to be on the news because of a murder and neighborhood vandalism. According to witnesses (passive bystanders) two guys drug a woman out of a bar and then took her down the street and beat [...]

3 Most Important Words!

I’m sitting here at my home in Connellsville, PA and I’ve had my morning coffee so my brain is racing. I’m watching TV and Nik Wallenda is being interviewed. He is announcing his planned tight rope walk across the Grand Canyon on June 23, 2013.

He talks about his faith and that he knows where [...]

Shotokan Karate – Traditional Karate? Or not?

Shotokan Karatedo is considered a traditional style of karate. Is it? Funakoshi Senseididn’t think so.

Why do I say that. Gichin Funakoshi was a karate master who trained under the two best karate masters on the island of Okinawa. He was not trained to believe that there was a style. There was no formal karate [...]

Linear Karate

Shotokan has often been called Linear Karate. I’m not one who believes in the power of a straight line any more than a circle or visa versa. I feel that if it works it works. However there is no quicker way to get from A to B than a straight line. A straight punch will [...]

Carry a Book!

Recently a kid went co co puffs and started cutting and stabbing on a college campus. He stabbed over a dozen people. I figured upon first hearing this that he must’ve had quite a large knife. His weapon of choice was a box cutter. No more than a 1 inch blade and it took a [...]

Keep Your Hands Still While Round Kicking

Keep Your Hands Still While Round Kicking

When you are performing kicks stepping forward from one front stance to another, it is typical for your arms to become over involved in the activity and swing one way and the other. This is especially true when round kicking. Try this exercise:

Fill two cups with water [...]

Gichin Funakoshi

Gichin Funakoshi is known as the founder of the shotokan style of karate we practice in the United States today. He was born a small, weak, and premature child in the city of Shuri on the Island of Okinawa in 1868. Okinawa was under Japanese rule at the time of Funakoshi’s birth, and the study [...]

Symposium Fun!

On February 16th I taught for the first time at the Kwamukwan Symposium. It was a blast. I taught a class and the took 3 other very interesting classes and sat in on several others. The Kwamukwan Symposium was a 3 day convention covering every imaginable Martial Arts topic including grappling, MMA, Ju JIsu, All [...]

The Greatest Pitcher

The Greatest Pitcher

A little boy was overheard talking to himself as he strutted through the backyard, wearing his baseball cap and toting a ball and bat. “I’m the greatest hitter in the world,” he announced. Then, he tossed the ball into the air, swung at it, and missed. “Strike One!” he yelled. Undaunted, he [...]

23 Principles of Excellent Kata

23 Principles of Excellent Kata Here are some ways to improve you kata performance. 1. Dress to play 2. Dramatic rhythm 3. Reasonable Pace 4. Look before turning 5. Fix the eyes 6. Turn without leaning 7. Coordination and Isolation 8. Train across transitions 9. Kiai with confidence 10. Posture of a model 11. Strong, [...]