Bully Prevention starts with us! One of the only fights I’ve ever been in was because a bully was picking on my handicapped brother. Really dude, that makes you feel big?
I wasn’t even into karate at the time. One punch knock out. Of course he swung first. I can’t credit anything to the one punch other than luck or devine intervention. Sometimes the right thing happens and sometimes the right guy wins. I’m just thankful that I had a hard enough head and a hard enough punch to be the right guy that day.
This bully was an expert bully. He terrorized his whole homeroom into voting him in as the class president. Odd that he would want to be class president, he failed at least one grade. I guess he felt BIG!
If you are little inside, you can’t be big by making others small. I know there’s times I could take back things I’ve said, we all have them. We need to try to be a better person inside not diminish others. If you are a big person it will shine through.
Do something for someone and don’t ask for anything and don’t worry about if the favor is returned. You’ll be viewed in a different light. Stick up for someone, be there for someone, protect someone and don’t expect a return for the favor and people will think WOW!
Bully Prevention starts with us, INSIDE of us! We have to change ourselves first then we can really start to change others!